Featured Icon Definition
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Last updated
More green flames means more transactions in 1 hour
Launched on Pump.fun
Launched on Moonshot
CTO community takeover
Initial Pool Liquidity > $300K
Liquidity is less than $4K
Advertised on DEXScreener
Update DEXScreener Social Infos
DEV (Token creator) holds 10%
Insiders' holding quantity is 10.04% of the total supply
Smart Money: Wallet who often earns money
Pump Smart Money: Wallet who often earns money on PUMP.FUN
Sniper: Wallet who buys in earlier blocks after pool created
KOL: Key Opinion Leader who connected X account on GMGN.AI with verified mark on X.com.
Paper hand: The holding time is short in this token
Diamond hand: Holding this token for a long time
Top Holder: Wallet who holds more percentage of token total supply
Blue Chip Holders: The higher the proportion of holding blue chip tokens, it means that blue chip holders are more optimistic about the currency
Suspected Insider: Multiple position holders share the same creation time, funding source and transfer time
Suspected phishing wallet: Token transfer detected
Huge value: Transaction value greater than $10k
Whale: Rich Wallet
DEV: Token creator
Scammer: Wallet who often buys RUG tokens
Create position: Newly active on this token
DEV team: Creator and bundled buyers
Bot wallet:Mostly sandwich attacker
Insider: Wallet who has insider information and owns token earlier
Fresh Wallet: Newly created wallet
Pool Contract: Token pool contract created on DEX platform (Such as Uniswap, Raydium)
BOT: Transactions made using different platforms‘ trading bots